Scoliosis Treatment
Scoliosis is the term used to describe abnormal bending and twisting of the spine. In most cases, the cause of the deformity is unknown, although researchers currently suspect a genetic link. Approximately 2-3% of children between the ages of 10-15 will be diagnosed with scoliosis.
When a child is diagnosed with scoliosis, time becomes a major factor in dictating that child's prognosis for improvement. Over time, different methods of active treatment have been developed to decrease or stop the progression of scoliotic curves. Dr. Listenmaa has undergone extensive training to become proficient at conservative management of scoliosis.
Her qualifications include the following:
- Completed the World Master Course through the ISICO on scoliosis management
- Advanced certified through CBP; the most researched technique in the chiropractic profession when it comes to dealing with postural and structural abnormalities.
- Certified to brace using Scolibrace. Developed by Dr. Jeb McAviney in Australia, Scolibrace is a custom 3-D brace that focuses not only on halting progression of a curve, but also on potential correction (depending on magnitude of curve).
- Certified as a SEAS practitioner. SEAS stands for "Scientific Exercises Approach to Scoliosis". It is one of the only techniques that has been researched and proven to help with scoliosis. Exercises are individualized to the patient, and depending on the magnitude of the curve, have the potential to halt the progression of a curve.
As a parent, some signs to look for include:
- Asymmetrical shoulders
- Rib hump
- Asymmetrical hips
- Asymmetrical waist
- One shoulder blade more prominent than the other